Honors for a Life Member
It is with pleasure that we nominate Mr. Maceo Brown for the Bishop’s Annual Lay Ministry Award for St. Anne’s Episcopal Church. Mr. Brown has provided an outstanding ministry to the parish, faithfully serving after assuming, without hesitation, a leadership role in 2003. His leadership has brought us positive change, vision and a focus on our youth.
In 2003, Mr. Brown joined our church family. Immediately, he began service on the altar, taking command of the Acolyte Guild. His influence had an immediate impact which continues well into 2007 which brought about positive change. There were several changes to the guild. First, the number of acolytes has increased from an average of six to eighteen. Second, he co-sponsored St. Anne’s first trip to the National Acolyte Festival held annually at Washington National Cathedral and introduced our acolytes to the local acolyte festival. Both of these events have become annual traditions in our church.
Every leader has a vision. Mr. Brown’s is to make certain that each acolyte under his command understands his/her responsibilities and the importance of serving the Lord. Faithfully, he has dedicated his time to not only training but teaching the acolytes of St. Anne’s on the order of service and proper techniques. In addition, he took time to compile a training manual for our acolytes. In this manual, you will find the acolyte Prayer, a short history of the Acolyte Ministry and a section on vesting among others. These commitments clearly demonstrate his vision of understanding and service to the Lord.
Mr. Brown has focused on our youth. He is more than an Acolyte Master. He is one who mentors, and is a friend. Frequently, he will check with parents to see how his young protégés are doing in school and home. Annually, he hosts a celebration to honor the acolytes prior to commencement of the school year. And if you know Mr. Brown, he is a big kid himself, as he is the life of the party. Annually, he identifies and honors acolytes’ performance for leadership, most improved and the highly coveted “Acolyte of the Year” Award.
He is truly worthy and earned this award. His Parish members warmly applause Mr. Brown and thank him for his dedication.
On December 16th, 2007 at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, Hallandale, Fla. Maceo Brown and another member of the parish was awarded the Bishop’s Annual Lay Ministry Award. The Rt. Rev. Leo Frade presented the award to Maceo at the 9:00 am service. Bishop Frade is the bishop of the Diocese of Southeast Florida.
The preceding article was submitted by The Acolyte Guild of St. Anne’s