Welcome to the International Order of St. Vincent. The O.S.V. is made up of lay ministers and lay leaders who follow the liturgical practices of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Though most members follow Anglican traditions, the Order includes members of other Western Rite Churches, and the requirements of the order are broad enough to adapt to all Western Rite liturgies. Anyone who is called, trained, and authorized according church canons to perform a lay ministry, can become a member of OSV including Acolytes and their Adult Leader, Altar Guild (Sacristan), Bell Ringers, Chorister, Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM I & II), Lay Readers, Lectors, Subdeacons, Vergers, Ushers, and Greeters.
We believe our Lord calls lay people to ministry just as He does the Ordained Clergy; however, we recognize we are under their authority and direction and it is their ecclesiastical direction which guides us as to the type and manner of service we perform.
We accept individual members and when there is sufficient interest, we encourage forming Parochial Chapters at each Church so that both adult mentoring of children and peer to peer mentoring can develop. Through this fellowship and support, Chapter members encourage each other to live a way of life dedicated to serving the Lord..
A minimum of three members is needed to begin a Chapter and a Chaplain is required to provide spiritual direction. Our Purpose, Rules, and Objects are listed below. We also recommend reading Living a Rule of Life, written by Fr Harry Ruth.
If you feel called as a lay minister to join our order, and you meet the fundamental requirements, please contact me directly (both individual and chapter applications may be downloaded from our How To Join section). Please take time to browse our web site, and if you have any questions, send us an e-mail.
If you would like to talk to other members before joining, We would be happy to have a member contact you.
Amori Christi et Ecclesiae
Philip G. Dixon, O.S.V.
Director General
Dedicated to service, Committed to education, Bound by fellowship, and avowed by the Rule of the Order.
Our Purpose is ?
- To emphasize a world-wide fellowship of lay ministers within the Catholic Communions of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and apostolic Church.
- To encourage every lay minister at our Lord’s altar to have a progressive rule of life based on all of the Church’s Sacraments.
- To instill within each lay minister an interest in proper liturgies within their branch of the Church.
- To pray that all members will consider their service as lay ministers to be a vocation.
The Objects of the Order
- To promote holy living among its members.
- To promote unity in Christ and friendship and camaraderie among lay ministers
- To promote loyalty and full cooperation to the clergy and lay leaders.
- To encourage regular attendance at the Holy Eucharist, and more careful preparation for its reception.
- To teach the complete Sacramental Faith as taught in the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and promote the practice of the same.
The Rules of the Order
- To pray each morning and each night.
- To be faithful in the reading and study of Holy Scriptures.
- If physically possible, to be present at the Holy Eucharist every Sunday and Holy Day.
- To make due preparation before the service and to say the prayer of the Order.
- To receive Holy Communion every Sunday and Holy Day if possible and to be duly prepared through self-examination and confession.
- To render loyalty and cooperation to clergy and to the spiritual leaders.
- To always speak reverently of holy Things.
- To pray for the order and all her members.
- To pray for the unity of the Church.
The Objects and Rule of the Order are to be considered as a minimum requirement for membership. Each Chapter may provide additional rules as its local use may want or desire. It is also hoped that each member will keep this Rule under the direction of a Confessor or Spiritual Director for the purpose of growing in the life of prayer and service.