On February 8TH, 2009, REGINA COELI of St. Andrew’s, Greenville, S.C. held their first organizational O.S.V. meeting. Father Trey Garland opened the meeting with the Prayer of St. Vincent.
Official list of members and officers are Chapter Warden: R. Dean Harbert (life member for 11+ years), Chapter Clerk: Charles F. Evans (life member for 11+ years), Priest member and sponsor: The Rev’d Trey Garland. Jennie Beam-Batte, Brenda Cale, Adelaide Gantt, James Grunwell, Debra Morse, Michael Morse and Carey Webster.
In October, the REGINA COELI Chapter had major liturgical responsibilities for the diocesan convention in Greenville S.C. The diocesan convention was co-hosted by St Andrew’s, St Peter’s, and Redeemer of Greenville S.C.
The preceding article was submited by Charles Evans