Feet in the Vineyard

All too often, young people headed off to college are also headed off to an extended “vacation from church.” Sometimes that vacation lasts until they are married, with children of their own. What can be done? Phil Dixon has an idea. “When I got to the Citadel, the odds were good I’d have gone on that same vacation,” he says, “but the Citadel had a requirement to attend Chapel. Because I had to go, I fell back into my long-time habit of serving as an Acolyte. From there I went on to become…Read more …

St. Anne’s returns to National Acolyte Festival

        Because I did not go to Washington, D.C. last year, I cannot recall any memories. However, I did go the year before last. Two years ago, I believe there were a bit more acolytes that attended the trip to DC, and more to process in the cathedral to represent St. Anne’s church. This year, we had somewhat less acolytes; however our representation was just as good as two years ago, maybe even better, as I have heard. We were told we were the best probably because of our precision…Read more …


  On February 8TH, 2009, REGINA COELI of St. Andrew’s, Greenville, S.C. held their first organizational O.S.V. meeting. Father Trey Garland opened the meeting with the Prayer of St. Vincent. Official list of members and officers are Chapter Warden: R. Dean Harbert (life member for 11+ years), Chapter Clerk: Charles F. Evans (life member for 11+ years), Priest member and sponsor: The Rev’d Trey Garland. Jennie Beam-Batte, Brenda Cale, Adelaide Gantt, James Grunwell, Debra Morse, Michael Morse and Carey Webster. In October, the REGINA COELI Chapter had major liturgical responsibilities for the diocesan…Read more …

O.S.V. Welcomes New Members

On Trinity Sunday, May 18, 2008. Jan Schumann Lector/Chalicists and acolytes of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul from Charleston, South Carolina were welcome into the Order of St. Vincent. The Chapter’s Warden Philip G. Dixon and Reverend Drew Collins presented the candidates for induction. The service of induction was conducted by the Dean of the Diocese of South Carolina and Chaplain to the Order of St. Vincent, The Very Rev. William N. McKeachie. Philip is also the Director General to the O.S.V. Fr. Drew is a board member to…Read more …

Honors for a Life Member

It is with pleasure that we nominate Mr. Maceo Brown for the Bishop’s Annual Lay Ministry Award for St. Anne’s Episcopal Church. Mr. Brown has provided an outstanding ministry to the parish, faithfully serving after assuming, without hesitation, a leadership role in 2003. His leadership has brought us positive change, vision and a focus on our youth. In 2003, Mr. Brown joined our church family. Immediately, he began service on the altar, taking command of the Acolyte Guild. His influence had an immediate impact which continues well into 2007 which brought about positive change. There were several…Read more …

St. Luke & St. Paul welcomes new members

On Sunday, November 4th, during the 11:00 AM Holy Eucharist Service at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul in Charleston, SC, the St. Luke and St. Paul Chapter of the Order of St. Vincent (O.S.V.) received three new members into the Order.  The service of induction was conducted by the Chaplain to the Order of St. Vincent, The Very Rev. William N. McKeachie, Dean of South Carolina.  The Rt. Rev. C. FitzSimons Allison, XII Bishop of South Carolina, presided and preached at the service and took part.  The Director General, Philip G. Dixon, who is also the Chapter Warden for this chapter…Read more …

News from St. Stephen’s

Sunday, October 7, was a great day for our acolytes and lay reader member.  Our Chapter of St. Stephen's of the Order of St. Vincent was inducted at the altar rail and had their medallions, the symbol of their order, blessed by the rector, Fr. Douglas King, the chaplain of St. Stephen's Chapter (St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Melbourne Fl.). The occasion gave a lift to our members. It not only made official the establishment of our Chapter, it was a recognition before the Congregation of the faithful ministry of our members whose efforts enhance the…Read more …

O.S.V.’s St. Govan’s & St. David’s visits the National Acolyte Festival

On Saturday, October 6, 2007, members of St. Govan, an Order of Saint Vincent (O.S.V.) Chapter, and other acolytes from St. David's Episcopal Church, Lansing, Mi. made their first visit to the National Acolyte Festival at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. It was also the acolytes’ first visit to the National Cathedral and to Washington D.C. The chapter warden is Francis L. Jacobs. Francis is a life member and webmaster to the O.S.V. Francis is also St. David's Verger. The chaplain for the weekend was St. David's Youth Minister, Deacon Andrew Downs.…Read more …

St. Anne’s returns again to the National Acolyte Festival

The acolytes of St. Anne were glad to be participating in the 28th Annual Acolyte Festival. After all, we are veterans of this annual event, attending for the fifth consecutive year. Our preparation began in February of 2007 with fund raisers, coordination with the travel agent and requests to visit the White House. Saturday, Oct. 6, our day began at 7 a.m. We ate breakfast and headed up to the Washington National Cathedral to reserve excellent seating for the festival. When the service started, it was a spectacular sight as a sea of acolytes from all over the…Read more …

A Blessing Meeting New Friends

On Saturday, October 6th, 2007, I came with the acolytes of St. David’s Episcopal Church to be a part of the excitement at the National Acolyte Festival. I met many wonderful fellow vergers and acolyte “guilds” during this festival. It was a wonderful “church educational” experience for the acolytes who came with me who also met these fellow vergers and acolytes. Then I saw something familiar. It was the Acolyte Guild’s Banner from St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Hallandale, Florida. With God’s blessings I went over to visit this guild. There I met,…Read more …